Who we are


Animal Aid Alliance of NC exists to provide financial support and other key resources to animal rescue and other not-for-profit organizations aligned with humane initiatives to reduce animal overpopulation, homelessness, and euthanasia rates.


The Animal Aid Alliance of NC board and advisory committee collectively have decades of experience working with animal rescues, animal shelters, low cost spay/ neuter providers, and Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Release (TVNR) advocates. We know that local animal shelters are overwhelmed, and that non-profit animal rescuers play a critical role in supporting shelters and saving lives. Rescue work is expensive, and many rescuers are constrained by limited resources. It is our goal to “help the helpers” by providing funding and other support through grants, other monetary assistance, marketing assistance, transportation assistance, and food and supply donations.

We recognize that helping to reduce animal overpopulation, homelessness, and suffering relies on low cost spay and neuter accessibility, education, and TNVR initiatives. We will apply funding towards these larger initiatives as part of our mission.


Animal Aid Alliance of NC is powered by a mighty and highly qualified team of medical and business professionals and longtime rescuers who are dedicated to making a meaningful impact to animal welfare. Our board consists of two licensed active veterinarians, an attorney, and a retired Certified Financial Planner.  Our Advisory Committee consists of individuals with decades of collective animal and rescue experience, as well as fundraising, social media, marketing and operations management experience. We are proud to serve our partner organizations and work to help end the need for euthanasia, homelessness, and suffering due to shelter overpopulation that could be prevented by community education and provision of affordable spay/ neuter initiatives.


We accept applications for monetary, marketing, and other forms of support from non-profit animal rescues and other organizations that share our mission.  Applications are reviewed by our Advisory Committee.  This may involve an on-premise visit to the rescue to investigate the request or other means with which to confirm the credibility of the recipient.  Once approved by the Advisory Committee, applications are moved to our Board for further review and approval.


We are currently a fully volunteer staffed organization and have no payroll overhead.  Outside of normal operating costs such as maintaining our website and marketing, 100% of the funds that are donated and raised are directed to fund the needs of our partner rescues and approved board initiatives. Our income and expenses are detailed on are publicly available financial statements or upon request.


We do the hard work.  We take responsibility and do the due diligence to make sure that your money is being used for essential work by credible people that have been vetted.  We investigate and get to know the people and organizations we provide funds to and follow up to make sure support is going where it is intended.